1. Boris, J.P.: The threat of chemical and biological terrorism: preparing a response. Comput. Sci. Eng., 4, 22–32 (2002)
2. Hazard prediction and assessment capability.
3. Bauer, T., Wolski, M.: Software User’s Manual for the Chemical/Biological Agent Vapor, Liquid, and Solid Tracking (VLSTRACK) Computer Model, Version 3.1. NSWCDD/TR-01/83 (April 2001)
4. ALOHA Users Manual: (1999). Available for download at:
. Additional information:
5. Leone, J.M., Nasstrom, J.S., Maddix, D.M., Larsen, D.J., Sugiyama, G.: LODI User’s Guide, Version 1.0. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore (2001)