1. McVey, ‘Indonesian Communism and the Transition’, in: Communist Strategies, pp. 148–195; Id., ‘Indonesian Communism’; Id., ‘Indonesian Communism and China’; Mortimer, Ideology, Id., Indonesian Communism’, Hindley, Communist Party, Gunawan, Kudetd; Hering, ‘Sukarnos Sturz’.
2. Carr, Bolshevik Revolution, Vol. I, Chs 1–5; Deutscher, Prophet Armed, Ch. 9; Trotzky, History of the Russian Revolution; Bettelheim, Les luttes de classes en URRS, Première pé-riode 1917–1923. For China and Vietnam see: Chs 2 and 5. For Cuba: Ruiz, Cuba; The Making of a Revolution; Morray, Second Revolution in Cuba; Snethlage, Cuba.
3. McVey, Rise, pp. 343–346.
4. Kahin, Nationalism, pp. 290 ff; Mortimer, ‘Class’, in: Indonesia, 8, Oct. 1969, pp. 8–9.
5. Deutscher, Prophet Outcast, pp. 198 ff; Abendroth, Aufstieg, p.61; Id., Sozialgeschichte, pp. 116 ff; Hunt, German Social Democracy, pp. 241 ff; Tjaden, Struktur, pp. 269 ff.