1. Thiéry, J., François-Brazier, J. and Vautrin, A., Comparative study of the durability of glass fibre reinforced cement. Proceedings of the FTTAT - Textile Composites in Building Construction. 16–18 July 1990, Lyon, ed. P. Hamelin and G. Verchery, Pluralis, Paris, 1990, part. 1, pp 169–180.
2. François-Brazier, J., Surrel, Y., Thiéry, J. and Vautrin, A., A computer aided method of characterization of damage in glass/ cement composites. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Brittle Matrix Composites. BMC -3, 17–19 September 1991, Warsaw, ed. A.M. Brandt and I.H. Marshall, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, London, 1991.
3. Thiéry, J., Vautrin, A. and François-Brazier, J., High durability glass-fiber reinforced modified cementitous matrix. Proceedings of the Tnrernational Symposium of the Material Research Society, Boston, 26 November - 1 December 1990, to be edited.