1. For various means of settling disputes in Japan with statistical tables, see Takeyoshi Kawashima, “Dispute Resolution in Contemporary Japan,” in von Mehren, ed., Law in Japan 41-72 (1964). Brief mention on arbitration is made in Ehrenzweig, Ikehara and Jensen, American-Japanese Private International Law (Bilateral Studies in Private International Law, No. 12) 28-30 (1964).
2. Great Court of Judicature, December 5, 1936, Hogaku Vol. 5, 659.
3. Great Court of Judicature, January 23, 1913, Horitsu-Shimbun No. 842, 27.
4. Kwantoshu High Court, June 14, 1939, Horitsu-Hyoron Vol. 28, 248.
5. Kobe District Court, July 18, 1963, Kakyusaibansho-Minjisaibanreishu Vol. 14, 1477. In this case the clause stipulated that action based on the bill of lading should be brought in the court of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.