1. See ‘Chemical Applications of Thermal Neutron Scattering’, ed. B.T.M. Willis (Oxford University Press, 1973).
2. We shall generally follow the theory given in W. Marshall and S.W. Lovesey, ‘Theory of Thermal Neutron Scattering’ (Oxford, 1971) to which the reader is referred for rigorous derivation of formulae. We have made some small changes in notation.
3. Comparative lists of neutron and X-ray cross sections and absorption are given by G.E. Bacon in ‘Neutron Diffraction’ (Oxford, 1962) to which the reader is also referred for an elementary introduction to diffraction. More recent values of scattering lengths are given by G.E. Bacon, Acta Cryst. A28, 357 (1972).
4. Ref. 2, Chapter 5.
5. Ref. 2, Chapter 6, S.W. Lovesey and D.E. Rimmer, Rep. Prog. Phys. 32, 333 (1969).