1. Mroz, Z., “Boundary-Value Problems in Cyclic Plasticity,” Second International Conf. on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, W. Berlin, Germany, September 1973, Vol. 6B, Part L, Paper L7/6.
2. Dowling, N. E., “J-Integral Estimates for Cracks in Infinite Bodies,” Accepted for publication by the journal Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1986.
3. Dowling, N. E., “Growth of Small Fatigue Cracks in an Alloy Steel,” Paper No. 83-PVP-94, ASME 4th National Congress on Pressure Vessel and Piping Technology, June 19–24, 1983, Portland, Oregon.
4. Iyyer, N. S., and N. E. Dowling, “Opening and Closing of Cracks at High Cyclic Strains,” Small Fatigue Cracks, The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1986, pp. 213–223.
5. Dowling, N. E., and Iyyer, N. S., “Fatigue Crack Growth and Closure at High Cyclic Strains,” to be submitted to Materials Science and Engineering, 1987. (Uncondensed version of this conference paper.)