1. Stewart P A E. Chartered Mechanical Paper Vol 19, No 5, May 1972 Pp 65 - 67.
2. Stewart P A E. The Aeronautical Journal, Vol 79, No 776, Aug 1975, Pp 331 - 343.
3. Stewart P A E. Improvements in Diagnostic Apparatus for, and methods of investigating the movement of the internal parts of an operating rotating turbine engine. Brit Pat No 1458013 (3. 1. 74 ). US Pat No 3992627 (9.4.75).
4. Hawkesworth M R, Walker J. Radiography with Neutrons, BNES, London 1974 Pp 135 - 138.
5. Stewart P A E. Cold Neutron Imaging for Gas Turbine Inspection in Real-Time Radiologic Imaging - Medical and Industrial Application, ASTF1-STP 716, 1980 Pp 180-198.