1. A. De Volpi, R.J. Pecina, R.T. Daly, D.J. Travis, R.R. Stewart, and E.A. Rhodes, “Fast-neutron Hodoscope at TREAT: Development and Operation,” Nucl. Techn. 27 :449.
2. A. De Volpi, C.L. Fink, G.E. Marsh, E.A. Rhodes, and G.S. Stanford, “Fast-neutron Hodoscope at TREAT: Methods for Quantitative Determination of Fuel Dispersal,” Nucl. Techn. (to be published).
3. A. De Volpi and E.A. Rhodes, “Reactor I n-situ Test-fuel Neutron Radiography, ”these proceedings.
4. A. De Volpi, R.R. Stewart, J.P. Regis, G.S. Stanford, and E.A. Rhodes, “Fast-neutron Hodoscope at TREAT: Data Processing, Analysis, and Results,” Nucl. Techn. 30 :398.
5. K. Bohnel and H. Bluhm, “First Results of the CABRI Neutron Hodoscope,” p. 2261, Proceedings of the International Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Technology, American Nuclear Society (1979).