Derome John,Nieminen Tiina,Lindroos Antti-Jussi
Reference12 articles.
1. Derome, J. and Lindroos, A.-J. (1998a) Copper and nickel mobility in podzolic forest soils subjected to heavy metal and sulphur deposition in western Finland. In: Paoletti, E. (ed.) Stress factors and air pollution. 17th International Meeting for Specialists in Air Pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems held in Florence, Italy 14–19 September, 1996. Chemosphere 36(4/5): 1131–1136.
2. Derome, J. and Lindroos, A.-J. (1998b) Effects of heavy metal contamination on macronutrient availability and acidification parameters in forest soil in the vicinity of the Harjavalta Cu-Ni-smelter, SW Finland. Environ. Pollut. 99: 225–232.
3. Derome, J. and Nieminen, T. (1998) Metal and macronutrient fluxes in heavy metal polluted Scots pine ecosystems in SW Finland. Environ. Pollut. 103: 219–228.
4. Derome, J. and Saarsalmi, A. (1999) The effect of liming and correction fertilisation on heavy metal and macronutrient concentrations in soil solution in heavy metal polluted Scots pine stands. Environ. Pollut. 104: 249–259.
5. Derome, J., Lindroos, A.-J. and Niska, K. (1998) Effects of SO2 and heavy metal emissions from the Kola Peninsula, NW Russia, on soil acidity parameters in NW Russia and Finnish Lapland. Scand. J. For. Res. 13: 421–428.