1. See Cameron, J., Abouchar, J., “The Procautionary Principle: A Fundamental Principle of Law and Policy for the Protection of the Global Environment”, Boston College International & Comparative Law Review, Vol. XIV, No. 1., Winter 1991.
2. O’Riordan, T. (1992) “The Precaution Principle in environmental Management”, Centre for Social Economic Research on the Global Environment, GEC 92–03. See also von Moltke, K., “The Vorsorgenprinzip in West German Policy,” Royal Commission on the Environment, 12th Report, Appendix 3, 1988. Legislative references of the Vorsorgenprinzip include Bundesimmissionsschutzgestz (Federal Emission Control Act); the Atomgesetz 9 (Nuclear Energy Act), art 7, note 2, no 3; and the Gesetz über die Umweltvertraglichkeitsprufung (Environmental Impact Assessment Act).
3. For a useful summary review of references to the principle, see Hey, E., “The Precautionary Approach and the LDC”, paper prepared for the Secretariat of the LDC, August 1991, LDC 14/4, 4 September 1991. See also 20 Environmental Law and Policy, No. 3; and Freestone, D., “The Precautionary Principle”, Ch. 2 in Freestone & Churchill (eds), “International Law and Global Climate Change” (Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff, 1991).
4. U.N. Secretary-General, Annual Report on the Law of the Sea, November, 1990, UN Doc. A/45/721, cited in Freestone, D., “International Law and Sea Level Rise, Ch. 7 of Freestone & Churchill, supra note 3.
5. See for instance Handl, G., “Environmental Security and Global Change: the Challenge to International Law”, in Handl (ed) 1 Yb. Int’l Env.L. (1990). See also Gundling, L., “The Status in International Law of the Precautionary Principle”, International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law, Vol. V, Ch. 3, 1990, and Nollkaemper, A., “The Precautionary Principle in International Environmental Law: What’s New Under the Sun?”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 22, No. 3, March 1991.