1. Scott, D, and Smith, A.I., “Improvement of Design and Materials by Failure Analysis and the Prognostic Approach to Reliability,” Inst, Mech. Engrs. Conf. Pub. 22 (1973), London.
2. Scott, D., and Westcott, V.C., “Predictive Maintenance by Ferrography,” Wear, 44 (1977) 173–182.
3. Neale, M.J., “A Guide to the Condition Monitoring of Machinery,” H.M.S.O., London (1977).
4. Collacott, R.A., “Mechanical Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring,” Chapman & Hall, London (1977).
5. Scott, D., “Hardware and Instrumentation — State-Of-The-Art,” In “Performance Monitoring and AIDS Seminar/Workshop,” A.D.I. Transportation New York (1981).