1. Andreoli, Kathleen, et al: Comprehensive Cardiac Care CV Mosby Co 4th Edition, 1979
2. Gordon, Marjory: Nursing Diagnosis Process and Application. McGraw-Hill Book Co, 1982.
3. Kenner, C, Guzzetta, C, Dossey, B: Critical Care Nursing — Body-Mind-Spirit. Little Brown and Co, Boston, 1981.
4. LeMaitre, George, Finnegan, Janet A: The Patient in Surgery: A Guide for Nurses. 4th Edition, WB Saunders Co, 1980.
5. National League for Nursing Research Division: National League for Nursing Data Book, 1980 (Publ No. 19-1852) New York, 1981. (10 Columbus Circle, NY, NY 10019 )