1. In part, based on the success of the Ecu in the private capital markets, the Delors Report promoted the introduction of a European single currency.
2. Gros, Daniel and Niels Thygesen. Concrete Steps Towards Monetary Union. Brussels: Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS), 1989 and Triffin, Robert. “The Intermixture of Politics and Economics in the World Monetary Scandal,” American Economist. 1989.
3. Gros, Daniel. “Paradigms for the Monetary Union of Europe,” Journal of Common Market Studies. 1989.
4. Alan Walters, Sterling in Danger: The Economic Consequences of Pegged Exchange Rates, London: Fontana/Collins, 1990, p.117.
5. Sir Alan Walters was Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s chief economic adviser. Currently, he is the Vice-Chairman of the American International Group (AIG).