1. For an excellent recent review, see: Brunner, H., Nishiyama, H. and Itoh, K., in Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis, Ojima, I. (ed.), VCH, New York, 1993, pp. 303–322; For earlier reviews see (b) Ojima, I. in The Chemistry of Silicon Compounds, Part 2, Patai, S. and Rappoport, Z. (eds); Wiley, New York, 1989, pp. 1479-1526; (c) Ojima, L, Clos, N. and Bastos, C, Tetrahedron, 1989, 45, 6901; (d) Brunner, H, Synthesis, 1988, 645; (e) Ojima, I. and Hirai, K., in Asymmetric Synthesis, Vol. 5, Morrison, J.D. (ed.), Academic Press, Orlando, 1985, pp. 103-146.
2. Brunner, H., Becker, R. and Riepl, G., Organometallics, 1984, 3, 1354.
3. Nishiyama, H., Yamaguchi, S., Park, S.-B. and Itoh, K., Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 1993, 4, 143.
4. Nishiyama, H., Kondo, M., Nakamura, T. and Itoh, K., Organometallics, 1991, 10, 500; (b) Nishiyama, H., Yamaguchi, S., Kondo, M., Nakamura, T. and Itoh, K., J. Org. Chem., 1992, 57, 4306.
5. Nishibayashi, Y., Singh, J.D., Segawa, K., Fukuzawa, S. and Uemura, S., J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1994, 1375.