1. Daily, J.W., Kruger, C.H., Self, S.A. and Eustis, R.H., “Boundary Layer Profile Measurements in a Combustion-Driven MHD Generator”, J AIAA, 14, 997–1005 (1976)
2. Rankin, R.R., Self, S.A. and Eustis, R.H., “A Study of the MHD Insulating Wall Boundary Layer”, 16th Symposium on Engineering Aspects of MHD, Pittsburgh, May 1977
3. Self, S.A. and Kruger, C.H., “Diagnostic Methods in Combustion MHD Flows”, AIAA J. Energy, 1, 25–43 (1977)
4. “Joint US-USSR Report on the Status of Open Cycle MHD Power Generation”, Argonne National Laboratory, 1978, Chapter 14 “Diagnostics” by S.A. Self, I.A. Vasil’eva and A.P. Nefedov
5. Self, S.A., “Boundary Layer Measurements in Combustion MHD Channels”, 3rd International Workshop on Laser Velocimetry, W. Stevenson and D. Thompson, Editors, Purdue University, July 1978