1. Paola Amico and Torsten Böhm, ESO’s new CCD testbench, Optical Detectors for astronomy, James Beletic and Paola Amico eds, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p 95.
2. Floris Crompvoets and Stephen Smartt, ING Technical Note #123, Wavelength Dependant Pixel to Pixel Response variation of a typical EEV42–80 CCD: The role of flat-fielding astronomical data. (Isaac NewTon Group, La Palma), Paper found in the LaPalma CCD group web page.
3. Cyril Cavadore and B. Gaillard, in preparation.
4. Stroebele, Stephan “A new machine for planitary measurements of CCDs and mosaics of CCDs”, these Proceedings, pp. 359–364
5. Feautrier, P. and R. J. Dorn, (2000). “NAOS visible wavefront sensor”, Adaptive Optical System Technology, SPIE Proceedings vol. 4007.