1. Bell, J. S. (1964). On the Einstein-Podolski-Rosen Paradox, Physics 1, 195. Reprinted in [8], chapter 2.
2. Bell, J. S. (1976). The theory of local beables, Epistemological Letters, vol. 9, March 1976. Reprinted in Dialectica 39, 85 (1985) and in [8], chapter 7.
3. Bell, J. S. (1977). Free variables and local causality, Epistemological letters, February 1977. Reprinted in [8], chapter 12.
4. Bell, J. S. (1980). Atomic-cascade photons and quantum-mechanical nonlocality. Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics 9, 121. Reprinted in [8], chapter 13.
5. Bell, J. S. (1981). Bertlmann’s socks and the nature of reality, Journal de Physique, Colloque C2 , suppl. au numero 3, Tome 42, 41. Reprinted in [8], chapter 16.