1. For further details on this paper, see GEAP-10452, “Estimating Pipe Reliability by the Distribution of Time-to-Damage Method,” S. A. Wilson, March 1972.
2. For details on the pipe rupture study, see GEAP-10205, “Status of Pipe Rupture Study at General Electric Company, Part III,” S. R. Vandenberg, June 1970;
3. or “Summary, Reactor Primary Coolant Pipe Rupture Study,” E. Kiss, to appear in Proceedings, ANS national topical meeting on water reactor safety, Salt Lake City, March 26–28, 1973; and quarterly progress reports in GEAP-series.
4. “The Determination of the Probability of Failure by Stress-Strength Interference Theory,” R. L. Disney and J. J. Sheth, in Annals of Assurance Sciences; Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Reliability, Boston, Mass., Jan. 16–18, 1968, pp. 417–422.
5. “Designing for Reliability Based on Probabilistic Modeling Using Remote Access Computer Systems,” G. E. Ingram, C. R. Hermann, E. L. Welker, in Proceedings, Seventh Reliability and Maintainability Conference, ASME et al., San Francisco, July 14–17, 1968.