1. Bethke, A. D. (1980) ‘Genetic algorithms as function optimizers’ Doctoral thesis, Computer and Communication Sciences, University of Michigan.
2. Booker, Lashon (1982) ‘Intelligent behavior as an adaptation to the task environment.’ Doctoral thesis, Computer and Communication Sciences, University of Michigan.
3. Burks, Arthur (1953) ‘Justification in science’, Academic Freedom, Logic, and Religion,pp. 109–125. Morton White (ed.), Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
4. Burks, Arthur (1970) ‘Von Neumann’s self-reproducing automata’, pp. 3–64 of Essays on Cellular Automata, Arthur W. Burks (ed.). Urbana, III.: University of Illinois Press.
5. Burks, Arthur (1972–1973) ‘Logic, computers, and men’, Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association
46, 39–57.