1. The www page of David Smith, University of California, San Diego. http://phvsics.ucsd.edu/~drs/
2. Weiland, T., Schuhmann, R., Greegor, R.P., Parazzoli, CG., Vetter, A.M., Smith, D.R., Vier, D.C., and Schultz, S. (2001) Ab initio numerical simulation of left-handed metamaterials: Comparison of calculations and experiments, J. of Applied Physics, 90(10), 5419–5424.
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4. Metamaterials home page of the future projects of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO). http://www.darpa.mil/DSO/future/metamaterials/metamaterials.html
5. Walser, R.M. (2001) Electromagnetic metamaterials, Inaugural Lecture, Proc. of SPIE (Complex Mediums II: Beyond Linear Isotropie Dielectrics; Lakhtakia, A, Weiglhofer, W.S., and Hodgkinson, I.J. editors), 4467, 1–15.