1. GUS (Glówny Urzad Statystyczny - Central Statistical Office) (1984) Regional Documents. Areas of Ecological Hazard in Poland Warszawa. (in Polish).
2. GUS (Glówny Urzad Statystyczny - Central Statistical Office) (1997) Environment 199. Warszawa. (in Polish).
3. Jarzêbski, L. (Ed.) (1997) Report on the state of the environment in the KAD for years 1995–1996. Biblioteka Monitoringu Serodowiska, Katowice (in Polish).
4. National program of natural environment protection till the year 2010 (1988) Draft. Ministerstwo Ochrony Serodowiska, Zasobów Naturalnych i Lecenictwa, Warszawa (in Polish).
5. Biblioteka Monitoringu Serodowiska. Warszawa. (in Polish);L Ciolkowska-Dygas,1996