1. Antarctic Treaty-Arctic Council Joint Meeting. (2009). Washington Ministerial Declaration on the International Polar Year and Polar Science. Antarctic Treaty–Arctic Council Joint Meeting, Washington, USA, 6 Apr 2009. Retrieved from: http://www.state.gov/g/oes/rls/other/2009/121340.htm .
2. ASOC. (1999). Large scale Antarctic tourism. Information Paper 121 presented at XXIII Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Lima, Peru, 24 May–4 June 1999.
3. ASOC. (2000). Antarctic Strategic Environmental Assessment: application to the growing Antarctic tourism industry. Information Paper 10 presented at XXII Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, The Hague, Netherlands, 11–15 Sept 2000.
4. ASOC. (2001a). Strategic needs and decision-making in Antarctica. Information Paper 54 presented at XXIV Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 9–20 July 2001.
5. ASOC. (2001b). Legal implementation of the five annexes of the environmental Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty. Information Paper 55 presented at XXIV Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 9–20 July 2001.