1. H.T. Larker. “Hot Isostatic Pressing — Characteristics and Prospects in Industrial Use”, in High Pressure Science and Technology, Vol. 3, p. 329–337, ed. B. Vodar and Ph. Marteau, Pergamon Press (1980).
2. H.T. Larker, in Ceramics for Nuclear Waste Management, p. 169–173, ed. T.D. Chikalla and J.E. Mendel (1979), NTIS, Springfield, Va 22161, U.S.A.
3. J. Adlerborn, H.T. Larker. “Method of Manufacturing Bodies of Silicon Nitride”, British Patent No. 1522 705, priority date 1974–11-11.
4. H.T. Larker. “Hot Isostatic Pressing of Silicon Nitride Parts” in High Pressure Science and Technology, p.651–655, ed. K.D. Timmerhaus and M.S. Barber, Plenum Publ. Corp., New York (1979)
5. H.T. Larker. “HIP Silicon Nitride”, AGARD CP-276, p. 18–1 f.