1. K. Gavroglou, ‘Theoretical Frameworks for Theories of Gravitation’, Methodology and Science, 19 (1986) 91–124.
2. A comprehensive account of these developments can be found in the Nobel Prize acceptance speechs of S. Weinberg ‘Conceptual Foundations of the Unified Theory of Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions’, Rev. Mod. Phys., 52 (1980) 515–524
3. A. Salam, ‘Gauge Unification of Fundamental Forces’, Rev. Mod. Phys., 52 (1980) 525–538
4. S. L. Glashow, ‘Towards a Unified Theory: Threads in a Tapestry’, Rev. Mod. Phys., 52 (1980) 539–543.
5. ‘Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Programmes’ by Imre Lakatos in Philosophical Papers volume I (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1978) ed. by J. Worrall and G. Currie.