1. Björkman, O. & M. Ludlow (1972): Characterization of the light climate on the floor of a Queensland rainforest. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Year Book 71: 85–94.
2. Björkman, O., R.W. Pearcy, A.T. Harrison & H.A. Mooney (1971): Photosynthetic adaptation to high temperatures: a field study in Death Valley, California. Science 175: 786–789.
3. Björkman, O., N.K. Boardman, Jan M. Anderson, S.W. Thome, D.J. Goodchild & N.A. Pyliotis (1972): Effect of light intensity during growth of Atriplex patula on the capacity of photosynthetic reactions, chloroplast components and structure. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Year Book 71: 115–135.
4. Björkman, O., J. Troughton & M.A. Nobs (1973): Photosynthesis in relation to leaf structure. In Basic Mechanisms in Plant Morphogenesis, Brookhaven Symposia in Biology No. 25. Pp. 206–226. Upton, New York.
5. Boardman, N.K., Jan M. Anderson, S.W. Thorne & O. Björkman (1972): Photochemical reactions of chloroplasts and components of the photosynthetic electron transport chain in two rainforest species. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Year Book 71: 107–114.