1. Grinberg, A.A., Shur, M.S., Fischer, R.J., Morkoç, H. (1984) An investigation of the effect of graded layers and tunneling on the performance of AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices
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2. Liou, J.J. (1994) Advanced semiconductor device physics and modeling, Artech House, London (references of other papers of Liou, J.J. et al. can be found in this book).
3. Grinberg, A.A. (1986) Thermionic emission in heterosystems with different effective electronic masses, Physical Review B
33, 7256–7258.
4. Grinberg, A.A., Luryi, S.(1993) On the thermionic diffusion theory of minority transport in heterostructure bipolar transistor, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices
40, 859–866.
5. Yang, K., East, J.R., Haddad, G.I. (1993) Numerical modeling of abrupt heterojunctions using a thermionic emission boundary condition, Solid State Electronics
36, 321–330.