1. E. Aron and A.W. Hager, Convex vector lattices and ℓ-algebras, Top. and its Applic. 12(1981), 1–10.
2. R.N. Ball and A.W. Hager, Characterization of epimorphisms in archimedean lattice-ordered groups and vector lattices, Proc. Bowling Green Workshop 1985, A. Glass and C. Holland, editors, to appear.
3. R.N. Ball and A.W. Hager, Epicompleteness in Archimedean lattice-ordered groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear.
4. R.N. Ball and A.W. Hager, Epicompletion in archimedean ℓ-groups with weak unit, J. Austral. Math. Soc., to appear.
5. R.N. Ball and A.W. Hager, Archimedean-kernel-distinguishing extensions of an archimedean ℓ-group with weak unit, Indian J. Math. 29(1987), 351–368.