1. J. F. Allen, An interval-based representation of temporal knowledge, 7th Int. Conf. on AI, Vancouver 1981.
2. J. F. Allen, Maintaining knowledge about temporal intervals, Dept. of Computer science, Univ. of Rochester, Technical report TR-86.
3. J. F. Allen, Planning using a temporal world model, Proc. 8th Int. Joint Conf. on AI (IJCAI-83), Karlsruhe, Germany 1983.
4. S. M. Alexander, An expert system for the selection of scheduling rules in a job shop, Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 167–171, 1987.
5. A. Barr and E. A. Feigenbaum, The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1, Pitman 1983.