1. CEE/CNR-LAMEL Research Contract n° 197-76-7 ESI, Final Report, 1977.
2. A. R. Kirkpatrick, J. A. Minnucci, A. C. Greenwald, and R.H. Josephs, 13th Photov. Spec. Conf. (Washington, DC) pp. 706–710, 1978.
3. CEE/CNR-LAMEL Research Contract n°425-78-l ESI, Progress Report for period 1/l/79-3l/l2/79.
4. G.G. Bentini, R. Galloni, P.G. Merli, L. Pedulli, I. Vecchi and F. Zignani, “Laser and Electron Beam Processing of Materials”, C.W. White and P.S. Peercy Ed., Academic Press, p. 272; 1980.
5. P.G. Merli, Optik, 56, 205 (1980).