1. United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 330, p. 38, No. 4739 (1959). For the text of declarations and reservations by the various States, see U. N. Doc. Status of Multinational Treaties SER.D/5 p. 393 (1971).
2. The accession made in some countries further legislative action necessary e.g. in the United States of America, implementing the U.N. Convention by Public Law 91–368 of July 31, 197o, 84 Stat. 692; see the articles by Aksen, 3 Southwestern University Law Review I (1971); Domke, 19 American Journal of Comparative Law 575 (1971); McMahon, 2 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 735 (1971); Swisher, 47 Washington Law Review 44o (1972), and in India (notifications pursuant to Sec. 2 (b) of the Foreign Awards (Recognition and Enforcement) Act, 1961 ).
3. U.N. Treaty Series, Vol. 484, p. 364, No. 7041 (1963–1964).
4. U.N. Treaty Series, Vol. 523, p. 94, No. 7555 (1965).
5. U.N. Treaty Series, vol. 575 p.,6o, No. 8359 (1966), See infra n. 119.