1. M. Callon, “Struggles and negotiations to define what is problematic and what is not”, in K. Knorr, R. Krohn, R. Whitley (ed.), The Social Process of Scientific Investigation. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1980.
2. R. Holfeld, “Two scientific establishments which shape the pattern of cancer research in Germany: Basic science and medicine”, in N. Elias and R. Whitley (eds.), Scientific Establishments and Hierarchies. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1982.
3. The consequences of this State exercise of power are analysed in G. Benguigui and D. Chave, “L’État et les petits poissons”, Sociologie du Travail
27, 1985, 3.
4. Aquaculture is said to be more or less intensive or extensive according to the degree of human intervention in the biological cycle of the cultivated species.
5. But the EDF (Électricité de France) is interested in the new aquaculture in a very special context: to use the hot water coming from the nuclear power stations. The public relations aspect in favour of these nuclear stations is not to be neglected.