1. Aponso, M.C.D.V. (1976) Report on the Reappraisal of Cow Green and Derwent Reservoirs, MSc thesis, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
2. Armitage, P.D. (1976) Freshwat. Biol., 6, 229–240.
3. Armitage, P.D. & Capper, M.H. (1976) Freshwat. Biol., 6, 425–432.
4. Baker, J.M. (1971) in The Ecological Effects of Oil Pollution on Littoral Communities (ed. E.B. Cowell), Applied Science Publishers, Barking.
5. Baker, J.M. (1976) in Marine Ecology and Oil Pollution (ed. J.M. Baker), Applied Science Publishers, Barking.