1. Bannon, J.K. & Steele, L.P. 1960 Average water vapour content of air. Met. Office Geophys. Memoir No. 102, 38 pp.
2. Baumgartner, A. & Reichel, E. 1975 The World Water Balance — Mean Annual Global, Continental and Maritime Precipitation, Evaporation and Runoff, 179 pp. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
3. Budyko, M.I. 1963 Atlas of the Heat Balance of the Earth, 69 pp. (in Russian). Moscow: Glavnaia Geofiz. Observ.
4. Drozdov, O.A. & Grigoreva, A.S. 1963 The Hydrological Cycle in the Atmosphere. Leningrad: Gidromet. Izdatel. (English translation: 1965 NTIS TT65-50119, 282 pp. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations.)
5. Eagleson, P.S. 1970 Dynamic Hydrology, 426 pp. New York: McGraw Hill.