1. Armstrong, D. M.: 1968, A Materialist Theory of Mind ( Humanities Press, New York).
2. Bechtel, W.: 1982a, ‘Taking vitalism and dualism seriously: toward a more adequate materialism’, Nature and System 4, pp. 23–43.
3. Bechtel, W.: 1982b, Two common errors in explaining biological and psychological phenomena’, Philosophy of Science 49, pp. 549–574.
4. Bechtel, W.: 1982c, ‘Forms of organization and the incompletability of science’, presented at conference on Limits of Scientific Knowledge, University of Pittsburgh Center for the Philosophy of Science (publication forthcoming).
5. Bernard, C.: 1865, Introduction à l’étude de la médecine expérimentale (Baillière, Paris). English translation by H. C. Greene: 1959, An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine (Dover, New York ).