1. Kanninen, M. F. and Popelar, C. H. (1985) Advanced Fracture Mechanics, Oxford Uni versity Press, N.-Y.
2. Hutchinson, J. W. (1979) A Course on Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics. Technical Uni versity of Denmark, Lyngby.
3. Rice, J. R. (1968) Mathematical Methods in Fracture Mechanics, in Fracture (An Ad vanced Treatise), Vol. II, Mathematical Fundamentals, Academic Press, N.-Y.
4. Banichuk, N. V. (1983) Problems and Methods of Optimal Structural Design, Plenur Press, N.-Y.
5. Banichuk, N. V., Ragneda, F. K., Serra, M. (accepted for publication) Probabilistic Ap proaches for Optimal Beam Design Based on Fracture Mechanics, International Journal of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Meccanic.