1. Achinstein, P.: 1%8, Concepts of Science,Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore.
2. Balzer, W.: 1978, ‘Incommensurability and Reduction’, in Niiniluoto and Tuomela (1978), pp. 313–335. (a)
3. Balzer, W.: 1978, Empirische Geometrie und Raum-Zeit-Theorie in mengen-theoretischer Darstellung, Kronberg, 1978. (b)
4. Balzer, W.: 1979, ‘On the Status of Arithmetic’, Erkenntnis 14, 57-85.
5. Balzer, W.: 1982a, ‘A Logical Reconstruction of Pure Exchange Economics’, Erkenntnis 17, 23–46.