1. G. N. Lewis, M. Randall, K. S. Pitzer, L. Brewer, Thermodynamics, Second Ed., McGraw-Hill, N. Y., 1961; Tables 32–3 to 32–5 and Fig. 32–3.
2. R. Hultgren, P. D. Desai, D. T. Hawkins, M. Gleiser, K. K. Kelley, D. D. Wagman, “Selected Values of the Thermodynamic properties of the Elements,” American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1973.
3. L. Brewer, J. S. Winn, Faraday Discussions of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Faraday Symposium 14, 126–135 (1980).
4. L. Brewer, “The Cohesive Energies of the Elements,” Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report LBL-3720 Rev., May 4, 1977.
5. L. Brewer, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 61, 1101–11, 1666–86 (1971).