1. B. Ošmera, “The Monitorung of Irradiation Experiments” in Neutron Spectrometry and Reactor Dosimetry, CSKAE Praha, 1985 (in Czech).
2. D.E. Cullen, N.P. Kocherov, and P.M. McLaughlin, “Comparison of Experimental and Calculated Spectrum-Averaged Neutron Cross Sections for the IAEA International Reactor Dosimetres File”, Nucl.Sci.Eng. 83, (1983).
3. N.L. Johnson, F.C. Leone, Statistics and Experimental Design, Wiley, New York, 1964.
4. B. Ošmera, M. Holman, “Surveillance Neutron Dosimetry and Cavity Neutron Flux Nonitoring at Czechoslovak VVER-440 Power Reactors s”, this symposium.