1. J. M. Friedt, J. Danon, Atomic Energy Review, 18 (1980)
2. D. L. Nagy, Second Seeheim Workshop, (in Trends in Mößbauer Spectoscopy, P. Gütlich & G.M. Kalvius (ed.)), Mainz/FRG 1982
3. P. Imbert, Proceedings of the ICAME 1983, Alma-Ata/USSR (1983)
4. H. Sano, P. Gütlich, in Hot Atom Chemistry, (T. Matsuura (ed.), Kodansha Ltd. Tokyo 1984)
5. H. Spiering, M. Alflen, P. Gütlich, A. Hauser, C. Hennen, U. Manthe, F. Tuczek, Proceedings of the ICAME 1989, Budapest/Hungary (1989)