1. Abella, Rosalie Silberman. “The Scholar and the Pragmatist.” Policy Options (Sept. 1989): 3–6.
2. Action travail des femmes v. Canadian National Railway, Supreme Court ofCanada [1987] 1 S.C.R. 1114.
3. Agocs, Carol. “Affirmative Action, Canadian Style: A Reconnaissance.” Canadian Publie Policy 12. 1 (1986): 148–162.
4. Agocs, Carol. “Canada’s Employment Equity Legislation and Policy, 1986–2000: Unfulfilied Promises.” Carol Agocs (ed.). Workplaee Equality: International Perspeetives on Legislation, Policy and Praetiee. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
5. Agocs, Carol. “Employment Equity Activity Among Federal Contractors in Ontario.” Proeeedings ofthe 26th Conferenee ofthe Canadian Industrial Relations Assoeiation. 1990, 517–529.