1. D. L. Durgin, D. R. Alexander, R. N. Randall. Hardening Options For Neutron Effects. Final Report, The BDM Corp., Albuquerque N. Mex. HDL-CR-75-052-1, app. A, p. 15, Nov. 15, 1976.
2. Components Response Information Center (CRIC) of the Harry Diamond Laboratories, Adelphi, Md. Radiation Effects Data Bank HDL-DS-77-1, May 1977.
3. J. P. Raymond. “MSI/LSI Radiation Response”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-21(6): p. 308, Dec. 1974.
4. M. G. Knoll. Comparison Study of the Five TTL Families and ECL. Air Force Weapon Labs. Kirtland AFB N. Mex. AFWL TR-78-5, 1978.
5. CRIC. Comparison Study of the Five TTL Families and ECL. Op. cit. Radiation Effects in LSI Circuits. HDL-DS-80-1, July 1980.