1. W.A. Lea ed. “Trends in Speech Recognition”, Prentice Hall, 1980.
2. J.P. Haton, J.F. Mari, J.M. Pierrel: “Research Towards Speech Understanding Models for Artificial and Natural Languages”, IEEE ICASSP, Hartford, 1977.
3. J.M. Pierrel, J.P. Haton: “Data Structure and Organization of MYRTILLE II System”, 4th IJCPR, KYOTO, JAPAN, Nov. 1978.
4. G. Mercier et al.: “The Keal Speech Understanding System” in “Spoken Language Generation and Understanding”, J.C. Simon ed., Reidel, 1980.
5. D. Walker: “SRI Research on Speech Understanding ” in “Trends in Speech Recognition”, W. Lea ed., Prentice Hall, 1980.