1. R.M. Oetzel, Annotated bibliography. In: The Development of Sex Differences ed. Maccoby, E.E., Stanford California: Stanford University Press, 1966.
2. S. Feshbach, Aggression, In: Carmichael’s Manual of Child Psychology ed. Mussen, P.H., New York, London, Sydney, Toronto: John Wiley & Sons, 1970.
3. E.E. Maccoby and C.N. Jacklin, The Psychology of Sex Differences, Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1974.
4. A. Frodi, J. Macauley and P.R. Thome, Psychol. Bull.84 634, 1977.
5. M. Rutter, P. Graham and W. Yule, A neuropsychiatric study in childhood. Clinics in Developmental Medicine Nos 35/36 London: SIMP/Heinemann, 1970.