1. Proc. First Harvard-Smithsonian Conference on Stellar Atmospheres ( Model Stellar Atmospheres ), Cambridge (Mass. ) 1964.
2. Proc. Second Harvard-Smithsonian Conference on Stellar Atmospheres: The Formation of Spectrum Lines, ed. E. H. Avrett, O. Gingerich, C. A. Whitney, Cambridge (Mass.) 1965.
3. Proc. IAU Colloquium: The Blanketing Effect, ed. K.-H. Böhm, J. quantit. Spectrosc. radiat. Transfer y 6, no. 5, 1966.
4. Thomas, R. N. 1965, Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in the Presence of a Radiation Field, University of Colorado Press.
5. The Solar Spectrum, ed. C. de Jager. D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht-Holland, 1965.