Saygin Oemer,Decker Peter
Reference28 articles.
1. Decker, P. and Speidel, A., Z.Naturforsch. 27b, 257(1972). (Bioids 1).
2. Decker, P. and Heidmann, W. in: H.Noda, Ed., “Origin of Life”, Proc. 2. ISSOL Mtg., Jap.Sei.Soc.Press, Tokyo, pp. 617–624, 1978.
3. Decker, P., Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 316, pp. 236–250, (1979) (Bioìds VII).
4. Decker, P., in: DFG-Kolloquium “Evolution in Planetenat-mosphären”, Schiiersee, FRG, 2.–4.Okt. 1979, in press.
5. Decker, P., Evolution in offenen Systemen: prize essay submitted to the Bavarian Academy of Sciences; reprints(170pp) available from Documentation Center on the Origin of Life, Universitätsbibliothek, Ulm, FRG.; cf. Decker, P., Nachr. Chem. Tech. 23, 167 (1975).