1. BASHAM, A. L.: — The Wonder That Was India: A Survey of the History and Culture of the Indian Sub-Continent before the Coming of the Muslims. Fontana paperback. [Glasgow], 1971, 572 pp. Cf. ABIA, XVII, no. 199. Rev.: Indo Asian Culture, XX, 3, 1971, p. 69, by S. L. GHOSH.
2. BONGARD-LEVIN, G. M., and G. F. IL’IN: —Drevnaja Indija, Istoriceskii ocerk. [Ancient India, Historical Study. In Russian.] Ak. Nauk SSSR, Institut vostokovedenija. Moscow, Izd. “Nauka”, 1969, 736 pp., with ills.]
3. Chapters in Indian Civilization. Vol. I: Classical and Medieval India. Ed. by Joseph W. ELDER. Dubuque (Iowa), Kendall-Hunt Publ. House, 1970, ix and 245 pp.
4. DAVIDS, T. W. Rhys: — Buddhist India. 9th Ed. Delhi, Indological Book House, [1970], xii, 158 and xiv pp., ills.
5. DUTT, Romesh Chunder: — A History of Civilisation in Ancient India, Based on Sanscrit Literature. 2 Vols. [First published in 1889–90.] Delhi, Vishal Publishers, 1972, 800 pp., ills, maps.