1. K. Grob Jr., Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium in Capillary Chromatography, Hindelang 1981, Hülthig, Heidelberg, Basel, New York, 1981, p. 185; references cited there.
2. K. Grob Jr. and H.P. Neukom, J. High Res. Chromatogr. Chromatogr. Commun. 2 (1979) 15
3. K. Grob Jr. and S. Rennhard, ibid. 3 (1980) 627.
4. K. Grob Jr. and H.P. Neukom, J. Chromatogr. (in press).
5. K. Grob Jr. and H.P. Neukom, J. High Res. Chromatogr. Chromatogr. Commun. 2 (1979) 563.