1. Donovan, N.C., J.E. Valera, and P.J. Beresford, “Statistical Uncertainty of Design Based on Smoothed Response Spectra,” Proceedings of U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 18-20, 1975, p. 53.
2. Glass, C.E., “Application of Regionalized Variables to Microzonation,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Microzonation for Safer Construction, November 26, 1978.
3. Housner, G.W., “Spectrum Intensities of Strong-Motion Earthquakes,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Earthquake and Blast Effects on Structures, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 1952.
4. Journel, A.G. and Ch. J. Huijbregts, “Mining Geostatistics” New York, Academic Press, 1978.
5. Maley, R.P. and W.K. Cloud, “Strong Motion Accelerograph Records,” a chapter in “San Fernando, California Earthquake of February 9, 1971, ” U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Vol. III, p. 335.