1. Schiffer, C. G. and Hunt, E. P. (1963). Illness among Children. (US national health survey. Children’s Bureau Publ. No. 405.) (Washington, DC. US Department of Health, Education and Welfare)
2. Morbidity statistics from general practice. Second national study 1970–1971. In Forfar, J. O. and Arneil, G. C. (eds.) Textbook for Paediatrics, p. 18. (Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone)
3. Forfar, J. O. and Arneil, G. C. (eds.) (1978) Textbook of Paediatrics, p. 18. ( Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone) The Genetics of Coeliac Disease
4. Wood, C. B. S. (1973). Allergic disorders in paediatric practice. In Clinical Immunology-Allergy in Paediatric Medicine. Unigate Paediatric Workshop, p. 81. ( London: Blackwell Scientific )
5. Kuzemko, J. A. (1978). Allergy in Children, p. 3. ( London: Pitman Medical )