1. This bibliography is not exhaustive. Much more can be found in, for instance, Barnes and Edge (1982). It does contain most of the major writings of some members of the Edinburgh School, i.e., Barry Barnes, David Bloor, and Steven Shapin. I thank them for sending me the relevant information. This bibliography consists mainly of sociological works. It does not attempt a “balanced” presentation; only a few rationalist works are cited.
2. Agassi, J. (1963), “Towards an historiography of science”, History and Theory, vol. 2, pp. 1–23.
3. Barber, B. (1952), Science and the Social Order. New York: Free Press.
4. Barber, B. (1961), “Resistance by scientists to scientific discovery”, Science, vol. 134, no. 3479, pp. 596–602.
5. Barber, B. and Fox, R. (1958), “The case of the floppy-eared rabbits”, American Journal of Sociology, no. 64, pp. 128–36.